Why University?
You may not have really considered this question fully - you may have just assumed that University is the next step in your education, however it is worth pausing to think about the benefits a University education will bring you. There are many decisions to be made and all of these choices may seem confusing, but these pages are designed to help make the decision process easier for you.
Some students may have been encouraged to continue their education by parents or teachers; some students are excited about leaving home and gaining their independence; some people may be determined to pursue a particular career and a university education may be the only means of achieving their goals. Whatever the reason, a university education is a valuable thing and once you have your degree - you have it for life.
What are the benefits of having a degree?
You may have been told that a degree will guarantee your dream job and you will be able to earn a lot of money. For some people this is true, but it is usually not that simple. Many people who go to University have not yet decided on their future career, but studying for a degree does give you more time to make up your mind.
A degree, like any other qualification, is just another step towards achieving your goals - it is not a fast-track pass to a dream career. Some students may choose to do a Postgraduate qualification after their degree and in some cases it is necessary to do a vocational course in which you specialise and train for a particular career (such as the PGCE for teaching and the LPC for Law).
Choosing a subject isn't the same as choosing a course. Studying a subject at one university can be quite different from studying the same subject at another University. The course content can vary greatly and the teaching methods may also be different. You also need to decide whether to study a single or joint honours degree and choose a second subject if necessary.
The University Experience
As you probably know, going to University isn't all about studying. For most people, going to University is the first time that they will be leaving home and it is a significant time in their life.
University gives you the chance to meet new people, learn new things, and encounter new experiences. Living in a new area of the country (or world!) may seem daunting but with so many things to do it is an exciting and interesting time. As well as managing your studies, your time will be filled with a busy entertainment and social life.
Going to University is also a chance to broaden your horizons. Many courses offer the opportunity to work or study abroad, work in industry or business, gain valuable work experience and develop important skills to enhance your prospects.
Student Perspective
Why choose Warwick? What is it like to be living at University for the first time and sharing halls of residence with other students? What's different about studying at University?
Here's a video:
Font: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/thinking/
Posted by: Ana Paula